Let’s be honest, we have all told lies at some point in our lives. It’s time to finally admit all the lies that you have been telling… So here’s a list of 10 lies we all tell! (If you disagree, you are lying.)

  1. “I’m going to spend less time on social media.”

Your day starts and ends on social media. In fact, the first thing you do in the morning is grab your phone and scroll through your Instagram feed— that isn’t about to change.

  1. “I’ll watch just one more episode.”

No, you will not. You are going to end up watching the entire season and you know it.

  1. Clicking on remind me tomorrow for a software update.

You know you are going to click on remind me tomorrow the day after that as well, and the one after that, and the one after that too… The cycle never ends.

  1. “I don’t need to take notes in class, my memory is good enough.”

You even forget what you ate yesterday; how are you supposed to remember and compartmentalize 110 minutes worth of information until the day of your exam?

  1. “I’ll be ready in five minutes.”

Yes, if five minutes equal to five hours, then yes.

  1. “I’m on my way.”

This is the cousin of the I’ll be ready in five minute lie. You are still in your bed when you text this to your friend— maybe even the bath.

  1. “I have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.”

Has anyone read them? No one has the time to read that.

  1. “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

This is the king of all the lies. We all know tomorrow never comes.

  1. “I’m going to clean my room.”

That room is not getting cleaned anytime in the near future.

  1. “I don’t need to throw out the t-shirt that has been lying around in the closet for the last 5 years because I’m going to wear it someday.”

Just throw it away already!


Featured Image Credit: Kathleen Tyler Conklin under CC2.0
