If a hypothetical alien somehow became well versed in humanity’s internet culture, I can’t say I’d be surprised if they regularly trolled humanity with a sarcastic “womp womp” on social media, no matter how friendly they were. Any species intelligent enough to navigate and travel through space to come to Earth is bound to see flaws in how we as humans live our lives. While I am not an alien, I believe that after living on Earth for my entire life, these are five of the many things that would make an alien go “womp womp”.

1. Traffic Jams

They always seem to be there at the most inconvenient times, and they are probably the opposite of what an alien might experience in space. First of all, space is huge, so even seeing another driver in space at all would be unlikely, much less a traffic jam. Space is also pretty quiet and traffic jams are full of loud and annoying noises. Plus, space doesn’t have much of a speed limit other than the speed of light so crawling along the interstate would likely be infuriating for an alien after interstellar travel.

2. Bad Cell Phone Reception

If an alien were on Earth, it may get a cell phone to “womp womp” people on social media. So, I could see one throwing an intergalactic fit over its favorite apps not loading. I imagine communication systems on a spaceship would be top notch if they are communicating over millions or billions of miles with their home planet, so if there are reception issues just here on Earth an alien would probably be more than disappointed, and I’d expect a serious “womp womp”.

3. Shoelaces that Come Untied Easily

When they work, they are great, but when they don’t, they really do get problematic. Assuming an intelligent alien race has feet in a similar way to humans, tripping over untied shoelaces is a problem I think they would have solved many years ago. 

4. Empty Soap Dispensers in Bathrooms

An alien on Earth would likely need to be very careful not to catch any illnesses, so when said alien goes to wash its hands and no soap comes out…big problem.

5. Parallel Parking

One of the worst parts about driving is having to parallel park. Sure, there are some who are great at it, but it seems for most humans it is a necessary evil they’d rather avoid. For an alien who’s probably never had to parallel park a spaceship, this might be enough to make them just say “womp womp” and go back home.

Featured Image by Michaël Meyer on Pexels
