In honor of Loco Mag’s 69th issue, “Nice,” I’ve decided to compile a list of some of my favorite (and therefore the best) songs that are between six and nine minutes long. It’s somewhat irregular to find a song longer than three or four minutes, most are shorter than that. It makes sense, the replay value is higher if the song is shorter. However, sometimes the stars align and artists give our ears a slice of perfection.

To understand the two to four minute song length expectations of the masses and ignore them is a risky feat. It doesn’t always work. Listeners often get bored of a single song’s melody after a while, leaving the stories told within those lyrics to collect dust. Sometimes though, you get something like Frank Ocean’s “Pyramids,” a fantastic ten minute journey across a dreamscape that could only have been created by him. This song would be the first one on this list, but it goes over the 9 minute limit, so I had to at least mention it here.

Without further delay, here are some songs (in no particular order) that I would deem six to nine minute masterpieces:
