It’s the End of the World as We Know It…And We Feel Fine.
We hear the word “apocalypse” a lot. A whole lot. Like so much so that if I had a dollar for everytime I hear the word, I would stop getting those phone cal... Read more.

Facing Destruction
We love predicting the end of the world. Sure we have the Mayan 2012 end, but who could forget Harold Camping’s prediction of the raptures back in May of 2011... Read more.

Superheroes Now
The second weekend of October marked one of my favorite times of the year: New York Comic Con. Thousands of people flocked to the Jatvis Center in Manhattan fo... Read more.

From Magic to Muggles: JK Rowling’s Turning Over a New Leaf…Literally
When it was announced that the world is to be expecting a new JK Rowling book, one thing was made very clear: this is not going to be a Harry Potter book. As I ... Read more.

Contest Time!
Loco’s “Turning Over a New Leaf”; this issue is all about falling down and making changes (with no lack of Fall related puns!) The Loco staff ... Read more.