Super Chill ThrowB(l)ack TV Show Characters
Sarah throws back (or "throws black") some of the chillest black characters of the 90s and 2000s.... Read more.

From One Degree of Glory to Another
"Though our bodies lay to waste, we ourselves be “transformed...from one degree of glory to another."... Read more.

The Fight for Tower Prep
Everyone has or had their own guilty pleasure television show series at one point in their lives. I’m talking pre-Netflix, this only airs once a week on this ... Read more.

Back to the 40’s
Have you ever wondered what makes people's favorite things their favorite things? Like, for instance, what about the 1940's and World War II would spark the int... Read more.

10 Years of Searching
Sarah tells the story of how she came to faith in Jesus Christ.... Read more.