I Want To Believe: The Singularity
Did you know that vending machines have killed people? This is just proof that the singularity is upon us; the robot revolution is nigh, and we are not ready fo... Read more.

An Ode to Carry On
A school of magic, an insidious villain, a brilliant female secondary character, gay wizards… What else can a fangirl ask for? If you ever wondered what would... Read more.

A City Divided
Imagine a city divided by animal mascot, with their own rivalries, allies, and annual horse races— sounds like a book, right? Spoiler alert: it’s real. La... Read more.

I Want to Believe: Illuminati
Did somebody say far-fetched paranoia? It’s time to introduce the king— no, the overlord— of all conspiracies, the Illuminati! Lana examines fact versus f... Read more.

I Want to Believe: Forgotten History?
Did you know that there’s a conspiracy about a monster that cries about its own ugliness? I bet you didn’t. Join Lana on the hunt for forgotten conspiracies... Read more.