A Brief History of the Yule Log
Everyone loves being warm, check out this article about the history of being warm during the winter... aka the Yule Log... Read more.

Pardoning The Turkey
Eat more veggies to save the birds! No more hunting! ...Or just become the president. If you've never heard of a pardoned turkey, you're in for a treat.... Read more.

In The Spirit of Halloween
Explore the history and traditions behind Halloween and get into the spooky mood with Melissa and her explanation of the misunderstood holiday.... Read more.

Ghosts Among Us?
Melissa describes the different types of spirits that are all around us and talks about her own experiences with the paranormal.... Read more.

Eastern State Penitentiary: Normal vs. Paranormal
The Eastern State Penitentiary is one of the most haunted places on the East Coast. Read about Melissa's first-hand experiences with the paranormal in these inf... Read more.