In Defense of M83

The Wrong Way to Study Abroad

The Perfection of Benedict Cumberbatch

Study Abroad: The Part of My Story You Won’t Hear

Sammy Nickalls is a print communications major and a senior at Arcadia University, though she is best known as that really short girl (she has ambitions to reach five feet one day). She has been writing for newspapers for going on five years and is currently copyeditor and contributor of Loco Magazine. Sammy is a content writer and social media manager at Inspiyr. She has traveled to New Zealand and spent her spring 2013 semester in Australia. Beyond all that, she is terrified of zombies (they could be real!) and is obsessed with How I Met Your Mother, tea, M83, jewelry, tigers, healthy eating, and not-so-healthy eating. And just eating in general. Follow her on Twitter (@sammynickalls) or on Pinterest .
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