It’s a new year for Loco Magazine and we are bigger and better than before. This means we are looking for contributors for our newest issue Turning Over a New Leaf. All submissions are welcome from
both writers and artists. We are a lifestyle and culture magazine focusing on the lives of college students and we want to hear your voice! The submission guidelines are included below so get creative
and get to writing.
Writers: Loco Magazine will be an electronic publication so space is unlimited. We don’t want to hear about pointless or long winded accounts, we want to read your stories. Features should top out at around 2500 words. Features can be in the form of fiction or non-fiction. Use first person. Have a strong voice & be creative. Shortest piece should be around 1200 words. Interviews should be
kept around 500 words. Our current sections include; features, lifestyle, entertainment, travel, and listomania. We will accept all submissions from all undergraduate and graduate students.
Design: In designers we are looking for students who have experience in Adobe In Design, Illustrator, and any other designing programs.
Photographers: We are looking for photographers who have experience using PhotoShop. Photographs can be submitted to be used in an existing article or they can be featured as a photo set. When submitting photographs please be sure to include a very brief caption of the images.
Additionally this year we will be accepting video projects. The video will be uploaded through Vimeo to the Loco Magazine webpage.
Please have article proposals ready to submit as early as possible. Also include a short biography to be published under your article. If you have images that you would like to accompany the article, pleas submit them at the same time you submit your writing. If you do not have images, leave a note so we can provide them. Also, do not worry; when you submit to Loco you retain the rights to your article to be published elsewhere.
You can submit the pieces online through our email account: