A/V Room

A/V RoomLifestyleNaked TruthStyle

Naked With Your Clothes On Photo Essay

Identity. Who are you? What do you define yourself as? We search and strip ourselves down to find the answers to these major questions. Once we have figured who we are, soul bared and naked, we have to figure out an appropriate way to express this out loud. While this can be done in several different ways my favorite examples are fashion mavens— girls and guys who dress not just for necessity, but for art, for style, and for luxury.
A/V RoomPerfection

Both-ing: A Photo Project

This project, currently named Both-ing, is about what people think and do on the inside as well as the outside. Many people put on masks when they are feeling down or even excited, trying to look a certain way on the outside that doesn’t fit how they really feel on the inside.
A/V RoomFoodStories we Tell

Eat U Philly

Enjoy as four food and video enthusiasts tear through Philly in search of the perfect meal on a budget, sharing their transit stories, food stories, and stories expressed through brief interpretive dance. What else could you wish for?
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