
EntertainmentStories we Tell

The Dream That Found Me

When I opened that book it felt like I was opening a door into a new life. Dramatic? I agree, but true! I couldn’t bring my self to read anything. The whole thing was like eye candy: colorful images popping out of the pages like a movie playing out in front of me. Like any other well-crafted objects, we tend to forget that it didn’t make itself. Someone drew this. That’s when I thought, “Ptsh, I can do that!” And so began my pursuit. After all, this is America right? The land of opportunity where you can make a living drawing cartoons on a piece of paper. I promised my self a bite from that American dream.
EntertainmentStories we Tell

Continuing the Story

Fanfiction, for those who do not know, is exactly what it sounds. It is the action of writing stories about characters and worlds someone else has already written or made television shows, movies, and any number of other kinds of media about. It is an entire community of people who cannot or will not let go of their old favorites – where all of the “what ifs” of a series become “Alternate Universe fics” and all the characters you wanted to get together, can.
ListomaniaStories we Tell

Diagnosed with a Case of Bad Storytelling

We all know people (or we are people) who can’t hold a story together. We can’t judge them (or ourselves) too harshly, though. Stories are tough - they can go wrong in many, many ways. Be mindful of the treacherous world of storytelling, populated by the following diseases eager to infect you.
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