Halloween is approaching which means The Simpsons TreeHouse of Horror series will be airing incessantly on all FOX networks (and yes, a few Disney ones too). If you don’t watch The Simpsons then you wouldn’t know that the first 9 seasons are the best in the series. I took the liberty in ranking the first 9 TreeHouse of Horror episodes in terms of scariness and overall storytelling. Although this cartoon is known for its silly yet adult storylines, some of the segments of its Halloween special can get pretty spooky.
I won’t spoil any of the episodes, I seriously urge you to watch them for yourself. The basic premise of the specials is that the Simpson family gathers in their backyard treehouse on Halloween to tell scary stories. Each episode features three mini-tales that range from spooky, to cartoonish gore, to sci fi-thriller. The entire series is nostalgic and fun, but the Halloween specials (like most halloween specials featured in cable TV shows) are not too scary and don’t interfere with the rest of the show. These stand alone episodes carry more of a fun Halloween vibe. I would say they are scarier than Scooby-Doo but not as scary as Coraline.
The ranking is set on a scale of 1 to 10, along with a brief description as to how each episode got their rank.
10 = most scary
1 = least scary
TreeHouse of Horror I – The opening and closing stories are excellent, but the middle segment is not as strong. I am personally not a fan of aliens or space thrillers so this segment did not speak to me at all. This episode ranks high purely for nostalgia, but also for the animation and storytelling. There are spooky and thrilling elements to each segment that will please any casual animation or horror fan.
RANK: 9/10, in a world of “bones or no bones” this one is bones.
TreeHouse of Horror II – The second attempt at the Halloween Special was unfortunately not as strong as the first. This episode is not scary at all, you could pretty much watch this one with your baby cousin. Also there are A LOT of animation errors that are too obvious to ignore. However the transitions between each segment are excellent, which is the only factor saving this episode.
RANK: 4/10, Boring, ugly, and bad animation.
TreeHouse of Horror III – This episode features more comedy than horror, as well as few references to previous Halloween specials. I really appreciate the comedic aspects of this episode paired with the slightly scary storylines and the gradually improving animation. Each segment is perfectly written and doesn’t rely on an overarching theme, like the previous special. This is my personal favorite TreeHouse of Horror episode.
The episode itself: 10/10, this one speaks for itself. If you only have time for one episode, watch this one.
TreeHouse of Horror IV – This episode is iconic. There are so many elements from the first segment that are referenced in pop culture and in memes today. The animation is the best so far, and it ranges from smooth to borderline trippy. Season 5 is one of the Simpson’s strongest, and this episode proves that. IV relies heavily on humor, but lays more on the scarier side than the previous special.
RANK: 8/10, Watch for the iconic first segment & the beautiful animation
TreeHouse of Horror V – This episode is just bad. Don’t waste your time. The storytelling is garbage and redundant, and the animation is not much better. The theme in the writing room must have been rewriting and “Simpsonifying” classic thrillers and they massacred every single one of them.
RANK: 1/10, We don’t talk about this one.
TreeHouse of Horror VI – You can tell they started to run out of ideas by this season. The episode falls along the silly/weird side rather than being a fun Halloween episode. I am not a fan of the first segment in regard to Halloween (and also because it’s not that interesting), but I really like the animation (especially in the second story). The middle segment is the only one that has a Halloween theme and its homage to the classic Nightmare on Elm Street is really enjoyable. The last segment is innovative and iconic but the animation style really frustrates me and the transition between 3D and 2D makes one really appreciate the classic animating style. The last segment only stands out because of the last 20 seconds of the episode
RANK: 5/10, Creative and iconic for the time, but not what we were looking for.
TreeHouse of Horror VII – I freaking love this episode. It’s fun, fast, creative and weird. The first segment builds suspense so well, the premise could be its own movie. The jokes are outstanding as well. The rest of the episode is heavily political and dated by modern standards. The animation is a little rough, but good overall. I took points off for ableist and sexist jokes that were made in the first segment.
RANK: 6/10, Political! Slightly problematic! Makes you question religion! What’s not to love??
TreeHouse of Horror VIII – I love, love, love this episode. It’s more funny than scary but it still has its spooky moments. The middle segment is the weakest out of the three as the episode as a whole would be much stronger without it, but it’s still fun and enjoyable. The final segment is one of the best out of all 24 on this list. It’s not scary (in fact the plot resembles a kids show), but it is one of the only representations of feminism we see throughout the Halloween specials up to this point. I love the twist in the beginning of the segment, and how the rest of the episode pays homage to an animation style popular in the 1970s. This segment brings the theme back around to Halloween and does so in a creative and humorous way.
RANK: 7/10, Feminism?? In the Simpsons?? You’re lying!!
TreeHouse of Horror IX – This is the most morbid out of all the TreeHouse of Horror episodes. All the segments are pretty gorey and although none take place during Halloween they are just as disturbing. Overall this episode has great animation and although the plot of each segment is strange and nonsensical, they are still frightening in their own way.
RANK: 6.5/10 Kinda gross but overall funny. Not scary though