Get Out of the Gutter!
The current state of our pandemic based, zoom meeting filled, gloomy world can be so detrimental to our mental health. Personally, each and every day has gotten harder to push through– so something we ALL could use is just a little positivity to get ourselves out of this rut!
Early on in the quarantine days, John Krasinski hosted a weekly newscast called SGN, (aka Some Good News), where he would find incredible, heartwarming stories from all around the world to help bring people joy and hope that the world is still a nice place to be. However, after a few editions, John put a hold on the series and we’ve yet to see a return. So, I’m here to be the bearer of good news for you all as we continue to struggle through these very saddening times together.
Biden winning the presidential election this past weekend wasn’t the only showcase of our power to make change through voting! After over 30 years, the city of Denver has finally voted to overturn their ban on pitbulls with 65% approval! Breed discrimination has been an issue in our country for quite awhile, and with movement like this– we could all make a change together and love ALL of our canine friends the same. As someone who has grown up with pitbulls, I know how great of dogs they can be… with the right handlers and trainers.
A true, modern day love story. The shy guy gets the Dunkin’ drive thru barista of his dreams! Yes, I’m dead serious about this. JohnThompson, a Dunkin’ Donuts regular (who according to the linked article would get a large hot with cream and sugar, plus a breakfast sandwich) fell in love with the store manager Sugar Good (not a joke). Over time, the two eventually got together for a coffee date and hit it off– you could probably guess where they spent their first get together. Not only did they make a Dunkin’ run on their first date, but they even got married at the drive thru where they met with a donut themed ceremony and everything! Just like coffee, this story really can warm the heart and soul– to remind us that we can find joy in the little things– even our drive thru servers!
You know those common weeds that we spend all spring and summer trying to kill to keep our lawn looking neat? Well, as it turns out, they can be used to stop the growth of breast cancer cells.
Professor Alessandra Devoto has been working on this research for 14 years, and has finally uncovered the secret beauty of these former lawn care foes. Throughout her testing and research, she discovered that thale cress weed leaves combined with the jasmonate hormone found in jasmine plants can halt the growth of breast cancer cells– plus they prevent the spread of cancerous cells to the normal ones.
The significance within this finding is the fact that this treatment can potentially decrease chemotherapy recovery time and even prevent the cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. The groundbreaking discovery will also open doors for further research to eventually find that ever so sought after cure for cancer! What we can take from this article is that we can make the most out of every situation. Something that we threw away and saw as a pest ended up having a beautiful, helpful trait and will have a significant impact on the medical field, so maybe we can all find something to re-evaluate and help reach our fullest potential.
I find it extremely important that we all find a way to stay positive each day. Normality and our daily lives have significantly altered, and we can all agree that this is a very hard time in our lives. However, finding sources of hope, joy, and positivity will make things significantly better for all of us as we fight these dark times in unison. Always remember that we are in this thing together and you have people around you for support and love– even if it has to be over a video call or socially distanced. Any type of interaction is better than none at all. Stay happy all! (: