In a few short months, I will pack my bags and leave the States for an entire year of studying abroad. Yes, you heard that correctly I will be in two different countries for the entirety of my junior year. Isn’t that crazy? I’m shaken to my core right now and can’t believe it’s happening. It’s been a dream of mine to study abroad and to be able to do it twice is incredible. My major actually requires me to go for a whole year which at first I didn’t know about but once I was told I had to go for a whole year, I was ecstatic.

During my first semester abroad I will be in London and will be attending London College of Fashion where I will be studying fashion business. I have always been obsessed with fashion and getting able to study it in one of the worlds iconic fashion cities is unbelievable. I visited London last year on a week-long school preview trip and the second I got there I knew I had to be in the city longer. We got to visit so many amazing neighborhoods in London that I will soon be able to visit again. Another reason I chose to study in London is that my program takes a week-long trip to Paris for fashion week and we will get to explore French culture. My six years of learning French will finally be put to use (pray for me). I’m hoping I will make a lot of friends and build relationships that will last a lifetime. I’m so ready to get out of my comfort zone, even though I will be a nervous wreck for the first week I am there.

My second semester is still in the works. I’m stuck between two places to go, Italy and Australia. They are both amazing places that are so unique in their own ways and in totally different parts of the world. I know I won’t regret either choice because they are both so fascinating that I will be able to explore so much of each culture and try to blend in as a local. While figuring out my study abroad plan, it has definitely impacted my emotions a lot. I know this experience is once in a lifetime and I’m so happy and grateful I get to do this, but it also has made me sad. Knowing I won’t be an hour away from my family and friends for the next year gives me a lot of anxiety. Doing long distance with my boyfriend is going to be tough only because I see him literally every day and going from that to a couple of months makes me cry. Luckily he has planned to come and visit me while I’m abroad in both places so it won’t be too bad.

What I’m going to miss this junior year truly is my field hockey and track season. They are a big part of who I am at Arcadia, and having to miss both seasons will be so weird. Going from a busy student-athlete schedule to a normal student life is going to be quite the change for me. I found out that they have a club field hockey team I will join when I get there. I’m so excited to have this experience of playing abroad. Watch out in a couple of months and you will see me do a day in the life on the Arcadia field hockey Instagram.

I’m so excited and nervous about this upcoming year being abroad but I know I will love it and have the best experience ever! Check out my Instagram in a few months for updates about my life abroad @makennafickk :).
