The month of February is often associated with the inner-nature of our sweet tooth. Chocolates, sweets, and gooey goodies plague the mind and body with the lovesick holiday of Valentines. Often during this time, we overlook the numerous other candies that still exist. Or perhaps, in the case of cinnamon candies, we choose not to. It’s understandable that the small, red pits of heat don’t mix with everyone’s taste buds, but that doesn’t diminish their flavorful experience. 

Cinnamon candies have always been the sultry contrast to their sweetened counterparts. Often coming in the universal candy-shaped piece for consumption, they bring a warm foreglow to the tongue.. If one is brave enough, they’re then rewarded with the underlying sweetness hiding within the hot endeavor. The level of heat is, of course, dependent on the individual, but it is the candy’s very nature that draws its appeal.

As such, it’s no surprise to see cinnamon candies become a staple, sticking out by its distinctive red appearance and usually circular shape. While some may vary in spice, all brands carry the familiar resonant heat that coats one’s tongue when sucking it deeply. This is due to the cinnamon extract each piece exposes when drizzled into pans of boiling sugar. More ingredients are added as the orb becomes larger until fitting the appropriate size for consumption.

Notably, the most famous of cinnamon candies are the Atomic Fireballs, invented in 1954. Their distinctive logo, moderate red hue, and size makes them distinguishable to inferior brands of cinnamon sweets. Supposedly, they remain as one of the world’s hottest sweets; though that may be a far cry to some of the more exotic candies that incorporate natural peppers into their making. But the focus isn’t on these try hard candies, only the proud declaration of the cinnamon brand.

After all, cinnamon itself is said to host a bountiful supply of health benefits. Specifically, cinnamon has been known to boost the body’s metabolism due to being crammed full of antioxidants. So great is this number that surpasses the likes of other “superfoods” such as garlic and oregano. Other benefits of cinnamon include its ability to act as a natural prevention to heart-disease, as well as anti-inflammatory risks. This is all due to the richness of the cinnamon itself and how it is cut from its stalks.

However, all these effects fail in comparison to cinnamon’s true nature; that in acting as a natural aphrodisiac. And no wonder. Not only does the body obtain the natural heat of the cinnamon when consumed, but its anti-inflammatory properties are said to stabilize blood sugar as well. And we all know the uses of that. This can usually result in one steamy night, perfect for anyone’s Valentine treat.

Though it should be noted that too much cinnamon can be harmful. One need only to refer to the Cinnamon Challenge to witness firsthand the damage so much can do for one’s lungs. But with these bite-sized pieces, it’s unlikely one is going to meet their end due to cinnamon candies.

These small, blood colored rubies of sweetness are the true candy one should celebrate on Valentine’s Day. The fragile presence of the Hershey’s chocolate Kiss should be done away with, replaced by the ever exotic and intoxicating prowess that is cinnamon candy. How far must we bleed to establish this fact as truth? Not far enough; not until the body runs rampant in the drops of cinnamon goodness. Not until happy couples find themselves indulging in heated awareness both in bed and in their mouths.



  • Austin

    "A wise man speaks because he has something to say. A fool speaks because he has to say something."