You’ve probably spent weeks, maybe months planning your big trip. You don’t want to ruin it by getting sick! Whether it’s a little cold or something more serious, not feeling well can dampen all the exciting things you have planned. Right now, everyone’s talking about the Coronavirus, but even when there’s not a viral pandemic, you should be exercising health safety WHENEVER you travel.  Here’s some tips:

  1. Research health concerns of the country/city.

Every country has different health concerns. Some diseases are more prevalent in some countries more than others. For example,  a Typhoid vaccine is highly recommended especially if you are traveling to Asian or African countries because the Typhoid strain there is more drug resistant. It is also important to know things like if the place you are traveling to has clean water and uncontaminated food. Just spend some time on the internet and listen to any health precautions for that country. Get any necessary vaccines so you are at ease when you arrive.

  1. Sleep!

I know you’re going to be excited for the trip but getting the same amount of sleep is absolutely necessary for your health! Travel is exhausting, even if you are sitting on a plane for an extended period of time. You need to sleep to recharge, whether that be on the plane or when you get to where you are staying. Sometimes jet lag can get in the way but taking naps of 30-minute intervals can really help you adjust. Don’t rely on coffee, actually get some rest. 

Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash
  1. Eat healthy.

Yes, all the deep-fried street food sounds amazing but do not forget about the food groups. I’m not saying not to indulge a little, you’re on vacation after all! But eat an apple or get a side of broccoli when you can to get your fruits and veggies in as well. These things help keep our bodies healthy and functioning properly. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet, just be conscientious of what you eat to make sure you are getting a good amount of healthy foods too.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
  1. Water!

You still need to drink about 2 liters a day, especially if you are heavily active or the weather is hot and humid. Bring a reusable water bottle with you and keep it filled so that you have it throughout the day and it will help you keep track of how much you are drinking. But like I said in my first tip, research into the water in the place you’re going. Is tap water safe or should you stick to bottled water? Either way, keep drinking!

  1. Bring a mini-first aid kit

Seriously, you never know when you’ll need one. You can find basic ones for about $10 that will cover everything you need. And if this doesn’t come in the kit, bring some Ace wrap with you. I learned that trick the hard way, so learn from my mistakes and bring some basic first aid stuff.

  1. What’s the healthcare situation?

If you don’t know already, figure out what the healthcare situation is where you are traveling. Will you have easy access to a doctor? Make sure you make the necessary arrangements to ensure you know where you can go if you do fall ill and you won’t be paying a ridiculous amount. Getting travel insurance can’t hurt, it might be annoying to put out the money, but the security and back-up will be worth it. 

These are just a few tips to keep in mind, but whenever you travel always try and be prepared for anything that might happen. Take into consideration the activities you are going to be doing and gauge the risks. Keep in mind the places you are going because everywhere has different health concerns and hazards. Just be diligent and do your research and you will be prepared!
