I would say my Pokémon knowledge on a scale of 1-10 is a strong 3.7. I play Pokémon games but, it is mostly to capture cute pokemon and try to find more shinies than my boyfriend can. With all that in mind, I judged the following pokemon based on their design and if I’d want them as a pet or not. Let’s get started!
69. Bellsprout

Bellsprout is cool but isn’t anything special design-wise. It looks like it would have an annoying voice and it would tell me to clean my room. I probably wouldn’t want Bellsprout as a pet unless maybe if it was at a kill shelter and I felt guilty.
Overall Score: 6th Place out of 10
169. Crobat

I like Crobat, it’s a bit spooky and I really enjoy the design. I like the red eyes and the blue and purple combination. The shiny version is also sick because it is pink with green underneath the wings. I would have Crobat as a pet because it reminds me of a grumpy cat. (I enjoy grumpy cats)
Overall Score: 4th Place out of 10
269. Dustox

Dustox has a very cool design in my opinion. I enjoy the variety of colors and the use of many different shapes. Dustox also looks like a happy bug so it has good vibes. I would 100% have Dustox as a pet but I would also want its earlier version Wurmple because Wurmple is such a cute little worm.
Overall Score: 3rd Place out of 10
369. Relicanth

Relicanth looks like it is about to die at any moment. It looks so sad and old to me. I wouldn’t want it as a pet because it wouldn’t last long and it probably smells.
Overall Score: 10th Place out of 10
469. Yanmega

Yamega is a fun design. It looks like a basic dragonfly so I can’t give it too many points because it’s not too original. The colors used are great together. Sadly, Yanmega looks like it would kill me in my sleep if I had it as a pet so I would probably not adopt it.
Overall Score: 7th Place out of 10
569. Garbodor

Garbador is amazing. The concept of it being garbage is original and not like other pokemon. I also love the emotion I see from Garbodor, it makes me laugh. Garbador reminds me of my boyfriend because it’s stinky and full of shit. I love my boyfriend and I love Garbodor.
Overall Score: 1st Place out of 10
669. Flabébé

Flabébé is a cute little fairy holding onto a flower. I enjoy the design, It’s the first of its evolutionary line and only keeps improving. I also like that there are many different colors that the actual flower comes in so it gets extra points for that. I would love to adopt Flabébé, it would be such a nice pet to have and it would smell good.
Overall Score: 2nd Place out of 10
769. Sandygast

Sandygast’s design is pretty good. I enjoy that he is literally a sand ghost. I think the shovel is also a great touch. His looks give him a high ranking. I think he would be a great pet if he was super little and picked up after himself. I can’t have sand everywhere.
Overall Score: 5th Place out of 10
869. Alcremie

I am sorry but Alcremie scares the shit out of me. I like the concept of the berries and cream but it reminds me of Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter and she also scares the shit out of me. It comes in a bunch of different colors so its cool in that regard but other than that I am just scared. I would not have Alcremie as a pet.
Overall Score: 9th Place out of 10
969. Glimmet

Glimmet’s colors are cool but the design is nothing but a buttplug to me. I feel like I can’t have Glimmet as a pet because it would not do anything. It would simply just sit on the floor.
Overall Score: 8th Place out of 10