In high school, I tried to play flag football and failed miserably. The one time I actually caught the ball, I was so surprised I ran down the field in the wrong direction. Mistaking my teammate’s frustrated yells for enthusiastic cheers, I continued to run like a maniac, all the while wondering how I was outrunning my opponent, a varsity track runner. Maybe I’m actually good at this!  My gym teacher laughed so hard her smoker lungs almost gave out.

Needless to say, I’m not much of a sports person. I know especially little about wrestling.

So when the Loco team chose the phrase “Slobber Knocker” for this month’s theme, I admit, I had to look up it’s meaning. In this issue, you’ll find some references to wrestling, such as Rachel’s list of acceptable reasons to punch something or Kirby’s explanation of wrestling terminology.  Other writers took the term more literally. Lashanna wrote about slobbery kisses, for example, and Audrey gave a rundown on views worth drooling over.


Oh, and for those of us who aren’t sports enthusiasts, I will leave you with this: it turns out that WWE is not an acronym for World Wide English, as I may or may not have previously thought…


