There is something cruel and unforgiving about growing up. Edges get sharper, air gets colder and life gets tougher. That’s why I fight like hell to make sure that I’m not growing up too fast and watching childhood shows is one of the ways that I do that. Another way I do that is by dancing with no rhyme or reason, but that’s a topic for a different article. 

One of my favorite childhood shows that I will never get tired of re-watching is Wizards of Waverly Place. This show was a fantasy show created by Disney Channel in 2007. It was about a family of wizards who tried their best to balance a life of normal and a life of magic. Not to mention, the show has one of the best main characters that I’ve ever seen. Alex Russo stole the spotlight and I’m not the only one who seemed to mind. 

There doesn’t seem to be a soul on earth who doesn’t love Alex Russo. Everyone who grew up with the show never had a problem with her. Let’s face it: she was the reason why the show was so great. She was funny, sarcastic, and had a great personality. Everyone loved her. That’s something I always understood because I loved her too. How could you not? It was not until I rewatched the show as an adult that I began to question everyone’s definition of love.  

Alex Russo is a terrible person. She ignores everyone who she thinks is a waste of time and space. She always puts herself first and others in danger. She lies. She cheats. She steals. Not to mention, everything has to be her way. She manipulates everyone she cares about. She also gives everyone around her a hard time and uses them constantly. Alex Russo is one of the worst friends to exist.

Not only does she treat her friend horribly, she also treats herself horribly. Alex Russo is an extremely lazy person who never applies herself. She treats school like it is a useless hobby. She sleeps through her classes after showing up to them late. She skips almost all of them. She is also always in detention for something she did. It is pretty obvious that school isn’t a priority to her. It’s not just school. It’s her magic lessons as well. She never shows up to them. That is why most of the time, she can’t even do spells correctly. She doesn’t bother to learn or even try. She shouldn’t be considered a role model. She is not a good person. 

So if she’s not a good person, then why do we love her? What is it about Alex Russo that made us fall in love with her? And what does that say about us and our judge of character? How do we determine who deserves our love and who does not? Is love that easy to give? 

Love isn’t simple. Alex Russo isn’t simple. She is a character with a lot of flaws. That is why we love her. We don’t love her despite them. We love her because of them. Alex Russo is complicated. She is complex. She is human. Her character does not ever deal in absolutes. She is not pure evil, nor is she pure good. She is selfish, but that does not mean that she can not be selfless. She doesn’t hesitate to save her friends or even the world. 

Alex Russo isn’t afraid to be herself. She always knows what she wants. She’s not afraid to go after it. She has complete control of her life and the unknown doesn’t scare her. She says what is on her mind and apologies for nothing. Alex Russo is a reflection of who we all wish we were. 

Alex Russo is realistic. She may not always be nice or kind, but neither are most of us. She keeps things honest. She knows her dreams. She also knows her limits. She may be the only Disney character that didn’t want to go to an Ivy League school.  She showed that it was okay to not have school be a priority. Life is not about being everything and everywhere all at once. 

Alex Russo may not be a good person, but she’s relatable. She is not perfect. She has flaws just like the rest of us. She makes us feel seen and loved. It is alright to fall apart and it is okay to not have your figured out. We choose who we love based on the way they make us feel. Alex Russo makes us feel like we are worth something. 

Featured Image by mikeygraphics
