Dear reader, I have a confession to make. Before I tell you, I just want you to know that it’s not easy for me to admit my flaws or my faults (just ask my mom), but I’m hoping by admitting this affliction, I can eventually defeat it. I am embarrassed to admit to you that I’ve become quite addicted to Dunkin’ Donuts, or as it’s now called, just Dunkin’. It’s not because I’m obsessed with the flavor or the often stale-tasting, but adorably round hash browns. The truth is, more than anything, I like the convenience, and if I’m being more truthful, it’s been sort of an attempt to replace one vice with another.

I never liked the taste of Dunkin’ coffee, and as someone who worked in a small coffee shop in my hometown (that used to be located just around the corner from the Dunkin’ I frequent most often), I detested the large-scale corporate coffee chain. As a Pennsylvanian, I was never surprised to see Wawas continue to populate every street corner of every square mile, but Dunkin’ squeezed its way in as well, and on my commute to work, I pass at least two, and on my commute to school, I pass at least 5. It’s very tempting to stop by and drink coffee in my car on my way to wherever.

I have coffee at home. I have a nice french press, an electric kettle, a milk frother, I’ve got the works. I can make a good coffee. But that takes time, and driving through the Dunkin’ drive-thru is diabolically tempting and devilishly quick. It honestly goes against a lot of my values to continue giving them my money. Nevertheless, I continue to give them my money. Sometimes I ask myself, “when did I become this way?” I don’t necessarily have an answer, but as I’ve become aware of it, it really starts to feel dirty.

As someone who’d consider themselves to be pretty eco-conscious, continuing to accept plastic cups and straws from the nice people who work there is very naughty of me. I’ve made a lot of changes in my life to become a more sustainable person. Reusable water bottles, a plastic-free razor, a meat-free diet—I put a considerable amount of effort into being green. I wash and reuse plastic sandwich bags, for fuck’s sake. Straw after straw, cup after cup, I just keep doing it and I know it’s so bad. It’s not like the small and locally owned coffee shop would offer something much different, maybe a paper straw, but there’s something worse about it when it comes from Dunkin’. Where do they even get their coffee beans? I have no idea. It’s honestly an ethical and ecological concern. 

Their coffee is okay. I like to drink my coffee black most of the time, and honestly, theirs kind of tastes like an ashtray. The espresso is a little better—I like to get an iced Americano sometimes, but still, it’s not good. I don’t like things super sweet, so when I get an oat milk latte it’s usually without flavor. Even with flavor, it’s never really blowing my mind. It’s nothing special. It’s just convenient. It’s in my car. It’s something to do while I’m sitting there, driving, commuting to work or school. Sipping my coffee—it just gives me something to do. 

I can just not go there. I’m able to do that. But that requires more effort on my part. I could also just not drink coffee. I don’t need it. Really, I don’t. I just like it, and I like to have something. Reader, I really don’t want to give Dunkin’ Donuts my money. I can make myself breakfast, but if I don’t have groceries, that requires going to the store, and I’m still in the process of putting that off. 

Tomorrow is a new day, or whatever. Fast and easy is just something you get accustomed to when you’re busy. I don’t go multiple times a day, and I don’t go every day. I don’t think the food or drinks I’m getting from Dunkin’ are necessarily harming me, but I also don’t think they’re really going to get me to optimal health or anything, and I’m kind of about that right now. Hot girl winter? That’s kind of my mindset at the moment. 

We all have our vices, and let’s be honest, some are worse than others. I’m trying to keep Dunkin’ at arm’s length—there for me when I need them, but not something that I rely on. So that’s it. That’s my current addiction. I like a mediocre ashtray-tasting coffee from time to time. It calls to me like a siren song when I start up my car, and all I have to do is resist.

Featured image credited to Karl Fredrickson via Unsplash.
