New Year 2017
New years are times where people all over the world vow to start over, to better themselves, to better the world around them. People make goals to make things better for themselves and those around them, though these goals are usually never fulfilled. Many set out to lose weight, improve their careers, or go back to school. They promise themselves that they will surround themselves only with people who care about their success and will hold them accountable.

Lonely Ice Skating
There are few things more freeing than being able to ice skate in an empty rink. The space solely belongs to the one occupying it, allowing him or her to move as wished. The skater does not have to worry about running into others. Starting from nothing with no one else around has never been so beautiful and freeing as the skater being alone.

The Empty Tree
Every fall, trees go from green to multi-colored before the leaves fall gracefully to the ground. The springtime brings renewal and freshness, giving trees time to bloom all over again. The bare trees show us what beautiful things can come out of periods of blankness and that even in times that seem empty, nature is working its processes under the surface to create something amazing from nothing.

Chalk Up Change
Sometimes, the world can seem devoid of human love and kindness. In times of turmoil, destruction, and hatred, it can be difficult to see the warmth of humanity shine through the bleak darkness. Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, has chalkboards that show how people have decided to change the world. This is the first step to adding optimism, kindness, and charity to a world that seems to be lacking in these things. Once empty chalkboards are filled with hope and generosity.

Foundation of Independence
Independence Hall is home to several historic moments. It is where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were discussed and signed, forming a new nation with new principles. The building is also one of the first historic landmarks visitors see between Philadelphia’s Jefferson Station and Old City, allowing visitors and residents a change in perspective from Center City to Old City. Independence Hall was where Hillary Clinton’s final rally was held before the 2016 election, representing a crucial part of our nation’s next era of history.
