In this past year on TikTok, a particular trend has appeared almost out of nowhere. This trend is known as the “Hear Me Out” cake trend where a bunch of friends have little skewers with an image attached. The image is often of an unconventionally attractive character or a conventionally attractive one. I won’t judge as I am just as bad. One thing I have noticed though is that some of the “Hear Me Outs” are either really tame (like, “everyone likes that character you coward”) or really wild (I’ve seen math equation levels of wild). So, I want to display some of the “Hear Me Outs” I’ve seen as well as the reactions in the comments section cause it’s funny and we need a laugh. At the end I guess I will present a hear me out or two of my own (Oh god what have I committed to doing).
Before I get Into this, I would like to mention that I own literally nothing so the screenshots will be of the comments only. I will share the tiktok handle of the original poster and the character in question. I wish to avoid getting copy struck so this is my solution (please check out the original tiktok’s they are all pretty fun and silly).
The first “Hear Me Out” comments are in response to Toothless, yes the Dragon from How to Train Your Dragon, and most of the reactions to this did in fact stem from the meme of a guy finding out the people find the dragon attractive.

Another animal based “Hear Me Out” I saw was Nightmare Moon from MLP. I’m not even going to lie, yeah I can understand the appeal for that one.

Now for a human character, non chronically online people rejoice; oh wait you cant cause he literally dies in Big Hero 6. …Well… at least he was pretty before he died.

The next one gives me nightmares as I know what the internet does and has done to the Philly mascot known as Gritty and I just have to ask… why!?!?!?!?!?

With that affront to whatever higher powers that may be, I think I’m going to just call it here. For any who stuck around and wanted to know one of my “Hear Me Outs”, I shall indulge you for being patient with me. Now without further adieu, my “Hear Me Out”is Jason Tood as the Red Hood from DC Comics. I gave a relatively tame one. I’m not feeding the folks who are reading this with something insane. That information is between me and God, not you whomst came across this written work.
…So while writing this a few friends suggested I add a more insane “Here Me Out” So uh here goes I guess. Bumblebee from the Transformers movies. I’m gonna go hide in a cave now. If you must question me on this please don’t….
Featured Image by Aleishka Ruiz via Canva