So for those of you that aren’t aware, the rights to the beloved super hero “Spider-Man” was bought off of Marvel Studios by Sony in 2002. Sony then made three different versions of Spider-Man with three different actors since 2002. In 2015 Disney bullied Sony so much that they let Spider-Man be included in the MCU movies. Everything was great during that four year time period. Spider-Man movies were actually good and he was finally an official Avenger. And now heading into the next phase of the MCU we can expect more Disney Spider-Man movies, right? Nope. The evil corporation of Sony didn’t sign off on a new deal with Disney and they decided to keep Spider-Man in their own universe. Those criminals! He belongs at Disney with all of his other super friends! Sony will ruin Spider-Man! Now, as justified as all of that sounds, it’s a total overreaction. There are plenty of good things to come out of this deal. The big bad boys at Disney have brainwashed you all, and I’m here to help.

1. Peter Parker will no longer be Tony Starks (RIP) bitch.

Ever since his first appearance in Civil War, Peter was under Tonys wings. He was a sort of mentor to Peter early on in his MCU run and I really liked it. But, the one big mistake Disney made was continuing that after the first MCU Spider-Man film. It just felt like Peter was being controlled by Tony even after his death. In “Far From Home” Peter is literally haunted by the corpse of Iron Man in a dream. I think in the new Sony universe movies he can finally be his own superhero (mainly because Sony doesn’t own the rights to Iron Man) and we can start to see a little more confidence when he’s on screen.

2. We can finally see some cool Villains in the movies.

Another main reason why I’m low-key excited to see some Sony Spider-Man Movies is the villains they have the rights to. This is including Venom and The Sinister Six which are some of the coolest villains in Comic book history. Sony has already made a Venom movie that was kinda shitty, but I have faith if they made a Spider-Man Vs. Venom movie it will hold up. Also, the most badass super villain group name, The Sinister Six, could end up getting their own movie as well as maybe even facing off against Spider-Man. They also own the rights to Morbius, the real life vampire. I mean, how cool would it be to see Spider-Man face off against a vampire? That movie is in the early stages of filming and is staring Jared Leto so I’m very confident it will end up amazing.

3. The movies will literally be the same without Disney.

Another complaint I usually see people use on twitter is that the movies with Sony will be completely different. Those people are dumb. The only thing that will change in the movie is no MCU characters in the film. That means that Spidey will have more of an independent role and finally put the “Man” in Spider-Man. Also another thing that has put fans into a frenzy is the change of directors. John Watts, who directed the last two Spider-Man films, is not yet signed to a contract with Sony. I do have faith that they can lock him down for at least two more movies. The only other real thing Disney had control over was merchandise sale. They literally had no control over how the movie was going to go aside from supporting characters such as Nick Fury.

So what have we learned today? That Disney is trying to guilt trip the hell out of Sony to let them have Spider-Man so they can make even more money than they do now. Sony finally stood up to their playground bully and are now taking full control over Spidey and they legally can do that. And finally, the superhero will be just fine where he is. I will still run to the movies when the next Spider-Man comes out. We all will. It’s the character that makes the movie, not who makes it.
