In today’s society we live in a world where trends are controlling our behavior and are constantly changing. One day wearing cargo pants with graphic tees are cool and the next it’s baggy jeans with a tee you thrifted from your local thrift store. Society can no longer stick to one thing and everyday it’s something new that is cool whether it’s in fashion or anything in social media. For example, thrifting is trendy and now people of all ages are shopping for clothes at thrift shops because they see others on the internet doing it. There’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever but If you told me that a bunch of teenagers are buying clothes from thrift shops instead of buying the brand new pair of jordans that just came out I would say you’re crazy. 

Social Media in itself helps promote all the new trendy lifestyles that people are experiencing and it usually rubs off on others. When people see celebrities wearing or doing certain things they automatically think it’s cool and start doing it themselves. If a celebrity posts on Instagram a picture of them wearing their brand new shoes or a video is posted of someone thrifting, people are going to think it’s so cool that they will start doing it themselves. 

You can also see this same thing for when a new Iphone comes out. It can be the exact same software or set up of previous Iphones. Say some big words about it, give it a new number, and make a new color everybody will wanna buy it. Celebrities get the phone and when the world sees it they go crazy to buy it just so they can feel cool to have the hot new Iphone.  Most people follow trends because it makes them feel cool and part of a loop in today’s society. The question is though, are you going to follow these trends?? To hear more go listen to my podcast in the link below!!
