In honor of finals approaching, procrastination taking over and the holidays seeming just out of reach, Loco has put out a brand new issue to help you combat what is a seemingly hopeless period in the semester; the terrible-two week stretch. With the holidays underway, we at Loco have taken into account a major theme of the holidays, and therefore our issue, “Stories We Tell”. Maybe there are those dreaded out of state relatives you haven’t seen in a long time and find yourself telling the same rehearsed story to over and over again, or you find yourself thinking back to last holiday when your weird uncle got a little too drunk, those are the “go-to” stories we live to hear about. Whether we tell them to impress our friends, to keep a memory alive, share a part of ourself or just for the sake of a good laugh- we all have our stories we tell.


  • awyszynski

    Amanda Wyszynski is a print communications major at Arcadia University. Addicted to magazines, she never throws a single one away. In fact, she has them all archived on the shelves in her closet back at home in New Jersey; she may also quite possibly be a hoarder. Amanda hopes to take her love for magazines and her college degree and put it towards a career in public relations.