Saying “Goodbye” is never an easy task. Whether it is ending a professional relationship by leaving a job or breaking up with a significant other, we are impacted by these changes. Everyone has experienced these kinds of break-ups or will at some point in their life. We get through break-ups by venting to family and friends, hoping to gain insight and useful advice about how to move on. As adults we learn how to deal with heartbreaks and let downs from failed relationships. However, we rarely address break-ups with close friends which are just as brutal if not more than intimate break-ups. After all, friends are the ones that usually get us through trying times with our family, jobs, significant others and so on. So, what happens when you no longer have a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or your number one cheerleader for support? Part of growing up and becoming an adult means that we are forced to accept change rather we like it or not. This change involves us letting go of objects, places and sadly people in our lives.

Like other relationships that end, losing friendships can cause just as much hurt and pain especially if there is no closure. I can recall childhood friendships that have ended without saying “goodbye” or having any kind of disagreement, it just was over. I will admit that most of these childhood friends never cross my mind but there are a few that I wonder about occasionally. I would like to see them and hear about how they are getting along in life, especially with everything that has happened in the last couple of years. I would classify this level of friendship as “so – so,” you can either take it or leave it. It does not affect you like the friendship that leaves a void in your heart and leads you to wonder what or if you did something to cause the break-up. I am referring to losing a close friend, who has been supportive during the most trying times in your life. The friend that you can depend on (and vice versa) when life throws a curveball. A friend that is more like a sister or brother and sometimes understands you more than your own family. This is the kind of friendship that is not easy to forget and just walk away. The memories will haunt you and leave you wondering how and why things have changed so drastically.

We do not hear or discuss these kinds of break-ups often, and we tend to overlook the hurt it causes us. If asked about our feelings regarding losing friendships most adults will pass it off as “just growing apart,” but never address the issues or causes for the separation. This can be unhealthy for both parties involved, unresolved issues manifest into deeper problems. Whether it is a friendship or relationship communication is important and needs to work both ways. Keeping the lines of communication open may not always be the easiest thing to do if one person feels like they are communicating more, and it is not reciprocated. The truth of the matter is that as we get older, we have more responsibilities that demand our time and attention so other things and people may be unintentionally pushed aside. It takes work to make any relationship/friendship last, but it is possible. The things to keep in mind when thinking about restoring a friendship is being understanding, apologetic and honest. If the friendship is worth it, give it a chance. Everyone is entitled to make a few mistakes every now and then. Devoted friends are hard to come by so if you come across a “real” friend try your best to keep them. If they are a real friend, they will extend an olive branch and welcome you back into their life with open arms and a listening ear. Life is hard and having a friend in your corner to listen to you complain, give advice, or make you laugh so hard you forget why you were upset makes it so much easier, cherish these friendships at all costs.


  • Camille

    Hi I'm Camille, a senior studying Mass Communications at Arcadia. This is my last semester, I'm looking forward to completing the program and earning a degree that will open doors and offer new opportunities.