You have never been to the gym before. The idea of walking through those doors and being judged by muscular gym rats fills you with dread. So, you put it off. But now you’re here, and you don’t know what to do. How do these machines work? Will someone laugh at me if I ask for help? You revert to the few things you do know: treadmills, free weights, and sit-ups. The truth is, you don’t have to be afraid. No harsh judgment will come your way if you follow the simple rules of gym etiquette.

What To Do

  • Come dressed in proper attire. What good is fancy gym wear if you’re just going to sweat in it? Wear comfortable clothes that keep you modestly covered as you move around.
  • Be helpful. If someone asks for advice or assistance, help them if you can. But be positive about it and don’t criticize people.
  • Clean up after yourself. If you put weights on a bar, take them off and put them away. Wipe down any equipment you use because it is respectful towards the next person who uses it.
  • Ask for someone to spot you if you are lifting heavy weight. You can also offer to spot someone who may need it, but only if you feel comfortable.
  • Keep your music to a volume only you can hear so you don’t distract others from their workout.
  • Give people space and don’t hover around them if you are waiting for the equipment they are using.

What Not To Do

  • Don’t hog the machines. Other people may be waiting to use them, so take turns.
  • Don’t stare. Not everyone likes to be observed at the gym. If you watch someone for a few seconds to see how to use a machine or the proper form for lifting, then watch. But if it is going to take more than a few seconds, you might as well go and ask the person to help you. Don’t sit there and judge others or make them uncomfortable by staring.
  • Don’t talk to others in the middle of their workout. Let them finish their set, then talk to them or ask for help while they are resting.
  • Don’t try to show off. You have nothing to prove to others and you run the risk of getting injured.
  • Don’t talk on your cell phone. You can listen to music or time your sets, but don’t start answering phone calls in the middle of the gym because that will distract others.
  • Don’t fool around. People can get hurt if others are goofing around (like making people laugh while they are lifting heavy weights).
  • Don’t give unsought advice. You don’t know if someone has more experience, injuries, or certain goals, so it’s best not to give advice unless they are putting themselves or others in danger.
  • Don’t eat on the gym floor. You can bring water with you, but there’s no need to eat there if you are exercising.

Following gym etiquette helps everyone be respectful and stay safe. There are staff members in the gym that can help you if you have any questions. Don’t be afraid to ask. Your time at the gym shouldn’t be intimidating. Rather, it should be utilized to help you train and better yourself.
