6 Reasons to Watch the 2015 Women’s World Cup
With the World Cup less than a month away, it’s more important than ever that fans of the sport tune in to support their teams. Here's six reasons why you sho... Read more.

An Interview With Tracey Garvis Graves
Best-selling author Tracey Garvis Graves talks about her upcoming novels and the cinematic future for "On The Island."... Read more.

Jennifer Nettles Razzle Dazzles in Broadway’s Chicago
Country music artist Jennifer Nettles successfully takes over the role of Roxie Hart in the Broadway production of Chicago.... Read more.

Oy With The Poodles Already: How To De-Stress Like Lorelai Gilmore
Take some notes from Lorelai Gilmore and learn how to rejuvenate your life as you know it.... Read more.

Black Friday is the Worst
It’s Black Friday. There’s already a line outside the store. With a hope and a prayer (and dangerous amounts of coffee) you begin helping other human beings... Read more.