Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year when just about every store is having a major sale for the holiday season. Crazy things happen as the stores get crowded. I interviewed some people that work in retail and asked them for their craziest/funniest Black Friday stories. Here are some parts of those stories:

  1. My store was so crowded that you almost couldn’t move. There was a huge sale on cameras and there were a lot of empty shelves by them. I saw a guy lay on one shelf and army crawl all the way up the aisle to the cameras, grab one, and army crawl back with it.
  2. I was at BJ’s and saw a woman stuff her pants with frozen pizza bites…it was weird.
  3. One year, someone used a dryer as a bathroom because they didn’t want to lose their spot in line.
  4. At Target on Black Friday, I was the lucky cashier who got a customer that was paying for a flat screen television in QUARTERS. They paid, like, $150 in quarters in these plastic containers. It took me so long to count it, and I felt so bad for the rest of the people in line, but they were busy feeling bad for me because I had to count it all.
  5. I once punched a guy in the face for trying to steal video games from a kid on Black Friday.
  6. Someone in front of me in line yelled and cursed at a security guard because they thought he was cutting the line…but he was just working.

To top all of this off, watch a funny SNL Black Friday commercial skit here. And see the difference in Black Friday in the U.S. vs. Canada here.

