Cannibalism is Still Rare Even Today

Even today’s society cannibalism still very prevalent while occurring occasionally as a crime.  The term cannibalism is defined as humans eating human flesh. Cannibalism has its place in history going back to early human existence.  Some people who practice cannibalism will eat the flesh from dead people as well. According to Encyclopedia Britaninca, cannibalism is referred to as anthropophagy.  Around the world there have been numerous regions where cannibalism can be found. For instance, it’s found in North and South America. In addition, cannibalism is very much defined as way to survive in the world as people will eat flesh as consumption or food.  It’s still unclear on whether or not cannibalism is healthy for someone. Plus, Hollywood has taken interest in cannibalism by making, a film called “Silence of the Lambs” released back in the 1990s.

Cannibalism is practiced by people in America and it is debatable whether or not it should be against the law.  In American history, there are lesser-known cases of cannibalism or at least ten of them overall. For example, Levi Boone Helm, well-known gunfighter and outlaw became infamous as The Kentucky Cannibal.  There was a well-known case in the state of Florida where Austin Harrouff is infamous as The Cannibal Frat Boy.

According to, the most accurate definition is the eating of human flesh by another human being.  2) the eating of the flesh of an animal by another animal of its own kind. 3) the ceremonial eating of human flesh or parts of a human body for magical or religious purposes, as to acquire the power of skill of a person recently killed.

In 2012 three people in Brazil were arrested suspected of “making empanadas out of human flesh.” (Jennifer Viegas, NBC).  People may resort to cannibalism because of poverty conditions.  Modern Science says people who are cannibalist diseases will spread more rapidly.


  • Chris

    Christopher Saxon and I am a senior at Arcadia University. I have a individualized major in communications hoping to graduate within the next year or so. I was also born and raised in the city of Philadelphia.