Shubheca talks about her experience growing up in an Indian family, and the worst lies her friends have ever told
Julia talks about internalized racism and her experience as a "fake Latina"
Ohhhh Tinder. We’ve all had experiences with this dreaded app. If you’re a single and bored college student like myself,
Jon goes into detail about how social media has the ability to make us feel lied to by other people about their lives, and lied to by ourselves to ourselves.
Esley's first and last meditation class.
Fire in the hole, the sacred art of throwing a soda in a drive-thru at a fast food restaurant, is more than just a simple lie. It is a true display of our humanity.
Alex talks about noodling, now known as handfishin'
A rumination on the fundamental dishonestly of burger advertisements. Ronald McDonald, you monster.
An anonymous author shares the worst pickup lines they've ever received