Savannah reflects on the process of figuring out how to label her sexuality, and how the process didn't
Austin tells their story about what it is like to be a survivor assigned male at birth and how important representation is.
Join Stefano for the first edition of his new video series, Buzzfeed Quiz Mania
Katherine explores some of the forgotten, not-so-good things about coffee that even coffee drinkers will want to know.
Savannah can't go a day without coffee. Does that mean she's going to change anything? Probably not.
Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19) – You’ve been quiet for too long, Aries! Get into a fight
You've all seen "Women Laughing Alone With Salad," now it's time for "The Stock Phrase That Haunts Every Suburban Family." Hope you (live, laugh,) love it!
If you are passionate about something, why give it up? Read about a Loco pitch that just keeps hanging around.
Rosa walks you through the aftermath of a breakup.
I’ve lost count of all the things I wanted to be when I grew up. At one point,