Allora invades privacy and annoys people at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (With good intentions, of course.)
In their fourth episode, Paulie and Austin dive into the dark past of Sea Monkeys and reveal menacing secrets about inventor Harold Von Braunhut.
An article in which Callie ranks some old portrait paintings from 10-1 (1 being her favorite).
Audrey refelcts on her college experience and offers advice to new students.
Paulie gives his very personal list of the top and bottom five McDonald's across the globe.
Esley's guide to terrible profile picture indicators.
In an autobiographical excerpt of his high school career, Paulie writes about his life as a failure and the definition of the word.
Helen downloads the Arts and Culture app, ponders the meaning of life
When you really think about it, you always do these three things when you travel.
A school of magic, an insidious villain, a brilliant female secondary character, gay wizards… What else can a fangirl ask for? If you ever wondered what would happen if Harry Potter were gay, this is the book for you. An ode to (and review of) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell.