As a child I had dressed how I wanted, with input from the women in my life but still I thought I was the best dressed. I was inspired by the shows I watched but was really inspired by the people I was around. I have gone from girly pop, to tomboy, to twee and to grunge. I want to share some of the photos where you can see the fashion trends of 2010’s

This photo here is from 2009. What a time to be alive! My favorite song came out, Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas, this year and I was graduating. This photo is of a 6 year-old me at my graduation, dressed in a white dress and blue barrettes and ballies. While I was young this whole image is what I thought was fashionable at the time! If you know anything about black culture and that of what meant for kids at the time almost every outfit was centered around the hair. While most would have thought the dress would be the center of the outfit, the hair was. I picked out the barrettes to match the color scheme for the graduation and picked everything later for this moment.

This is me towards the years of 2011-2013. I was trying very hard to be more adult To me I was an adult even though I was ages of 8-10. I really wanted to be seen as just more than the little girl in the white dress. When I finally got the chance to dress myself I would like this everyday. So lipgloss, pressed hair in curls and everything was sparkled or had hearts on them in some shape and form. I wanted to be the girl I saw on Disney and Nickelodeon.

I didn’t have access to the internet till much later in life so when I tried to hop on trends or the latest fashions I got them from Disney. If anyone remembers the fashions of disney during the 2010’s it was layers on layers. I had many outfits during that time where everything was layered. As you can see from this photo I was clearly trying to draw from the popular show at the time Shake It Up!. The show had the layering fashion from the Disney style of the time but everything was so much brightly colored and sparkled. I spent many days and weeks telling my mom what I wanted to wear by pulling her to our tv and showing her what I wanted.

Preppy,Twee,Grunge and Me
Once I finally got access to the internet in late 2015 I went through many stages of fashion. I found pinterest and tumblr where as you can see I tried really hard to get into the preppy and twee scenes on there. As a big girl, twee and preppy looks really pulled me in. The plus size section already has everything for those trends so I just added pieces that were for each respected trend. The crown braids, simple sweaters, and ballerina is heavily marked on this era of my life. Even now I have traces of that time in my closet classic pieces to be pulled out and worn. Now towards 2017-2018 I got really into grunge. I wanted to be different from the other girls you can say. Skinny jeans and graphic tees replaced my sweaters and business casual pants. But you can in the third photo the hold twee hair fashion was something hard to let go now.

Now towards the end of 2010’s I think every trend that I took a part of is still with me in some way. I would say I would dress in what they call grunge now and days, and sometimes have some preppy looking outfits. I know my family would say I am forever Emo or gothic because of me wearing black all the time. But to be honest I dress whatever makes me comfortable that day. You can catch me in Marvel t-shirts and baggy jeans one day and the next day I will pull out some Y2K inspired tracksuit I have been handed down.

All I can say is now looking back I know she would have been glad to show off her fashion to you. I know no matter what I was wearing I know I was wearing it with confidence. From 2010 to now I have changed fashion wise but the confidence of that young child will always be there.
Featured Image by MoustacheGirl.