When I saw Publication Practicum in the course catalog for Fall 2018 (beginning of my sophomore year), I knew I had to enroll. I didn’t even know what Loco Mag was, just that the practicum would allow me to practice the writing and editing skills I had been developing over my other coursework. The class did offer me that experience, but also so much more. I found a community and a project to truly get invested in. Through articles and print editions and events- my time in Loco Mag has been some of the best and most formative experiences of my college career.

When I first joined the staff almost three years ago, I never expected to become an Editor in Chief. But slowly, it became something I wanted more and more as I grew invested in the magazine’s and the staff’s well being. I’m absolutely honored to have had the experience being one of the Editors in Chief this past year. Loco Mag has always been a fun escape from the rest of the stress that comes with college. It’s been a place I could connect with other students who have similar interests and flex my creativity. I hope that I was able to help the staff I worked with over the last year feel the same way.

That being said, I am so excited to introduce Issue #57 Tunnel Vision. Julie’s article “Disney’s Best Tunnels of Love” analyzes Disney World’s dark rides for how good they are for a little “romance”, if you will. In “Dear Reader: Burnout is a Bitch” Michaela talks about finding solace in letter writing during a time so based on digital interaction, and why you ought to consider writing letters too. “Why We Often Mistake Bromance for Romance in Film” written by Rikki looks into why many people “ship” male characters with a strong friendship.

In Tunnel Vision, the Loco Mag staff explored ideas around vision, tunnels, and tunnel vision like fixation or narrow-mindedness. Sort of like how all day I’ve been fixating on how this is my last Loco Mag publishing day before I graduate. So I’d like to say for the last time, I hope you enjoy Tunnel Vision. Thank you for reading.
