Hello, readers. It’s finals week, which means that caffeine, tears, and procrastination are in full abundance. A cloud of anxiety and dread is currently hovering over every college campus across America. Forget wonderful…it’s the most stressful time of the year.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, my friends, and that light is the joyous month-long winter break. Here at Loco, we’re keeping our eye on the prize. Only one more week separates us from Netflix bingewatching and all-day naps. We’re so close to freedom that we decided to dedicate our final issue of the semester to being On Break.

While winter break was our main inspiration, like all of our past editions, we took the concept of “breaks” and elevated their meanings. It’s another great issue filled with pieces about breaking arms and breaking collarbones, breaking out and breaking genres. From boozy breakfasts to deserted beach towns, “On Break” is a whole new outlook on holidays, changes, and relaxation.

Like always, we hope you enjoy this issue. Don’t be afraid to leave a comment or share with your friends! We wish you a stress-free vacation and a wonderful holiday.  Stay warm and hang in there…finals will be over soon!


Photo by Adam Foster via Flickr Creative Commons. Modifications made. 
