We’ve all been through a breakup at some point. It may have been a romantic relationship, or maybe it was a friendship that ended. No matter what the situation, I think we can all agree that breakups suck. It’s hard to have someone in your life one day and out of it the next. When you can’t call them or text them every day, when something as simple as a song or a restaurant reminds you of them, when you can feel the grief in your stomach and in your throat.

After a breakup happens, take care of yourself. Your physical, mental, and emotional health can suffer in times of grief, so do something for you. Do something that makes you happy, something that makes you feel good. A simple thing can make you feel a little bit better. Lean on the people who love you. Reaching out to someone whose shoulder you can cry on can make you feel better.

Closure is also very important. Don’t keep things in. It’s not healthy and it will only cause things to be worse for yourself over time. Say the things you need to say and do the things you need to do in order to move forward without that weight on your shoulders. If you can’t talk to the person (or if it’s not safe), write it down. In my experience, it feels really good and can help you heal, even if no one else ever reads it.

I have a lot of experience with breakups, as I’ve had my fair share of friends come and go over the years, and a few romantic relationships. Here’s the thing: we all get through hard times in different ways. Do whatever you need to do to feel better. But my advice? Let yourself be sad. Wallow in it for a little while, let yourself really feel it. As cliche as it sounds, you’ll feel better as time goes on. I know that right after a breakup happens it feels like the pain will never go away. But one day you’ll wake up and feel okay again. You won’t think about the person all day. You’ll forget. You’ll be able to listen to that song again and go to that restaurant.

So feel free to do whatever you need to do to feel better (within reason and the law). We all heal in our own way and need our own time to do it. Don’t let other people make you feel like you need to move forward at their pace or by doing certain things. You’ll be at peace in your own time.
