I spent a lot of childhood years getting dressed by my mom, which I need to give her props for because she would always style me in the cutest and chicest clothes ever. I don’t think I ever had a bad outfit in grade school. I could see the effort that my mom put into outfits. She even did that for holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. My mom popped off for sure. I still can remember when I was little and trying to figure out what I happened to be for Halloween one year and my mom said I should be Lady Gaga at the time I was obsessed with her so that idea was perfect. My mom made the whole entire costume head to toe. I channeled my inner Gaga and had the best Halloween costume that year.

Entering my middle school era I can definitely remember that I was trying to be like everyone else. I was following all the trends and looks at the time that EVERYONE I mean everyone was wearing. I was in middle school in 2016 and I think that can explain itself. Everybody including myself was wearing off-the-shoulder tops, chokers, over-the-knee boots, and puffer vests. If you weren’t looking like the girl next you were definitely doing something wrong. Looking back, I think I was hiding my personal style a lot because I didn’t want people to judge me for being different, which I kind of regret, but what can I say? I was just trying to fit in.

As I went into high school, I can remember that I wanted to dress nice every day. That means waking up an hour before I have to actually be up so I can pick out an outfit and do my hair and makeup. I tried standing out a lot and thought that if I dressed a certain way, more people would like me. I was huge into wearing skirts or tightly fitting jeans and a tight top. I just tried to dress like the upperclassmen so I could fit in. Once my senior year rolled around I didn’t care what I wore to school. It was during covid, and when I would go in person to school I didn’t see any of my friends and I didn’t feel like it was worth trying to dress nicely when was there for not even 3 hours.

Now that I’m in college I dress however I’m feeling that day. My style is usually baggy jeans, a loose or tight-fitting shirt, and a jacket if I need some sneakers. I am obsessed with my shoe game now. I’m a huge sneaker type of girl. try to match my outfits to my shoes because I believe shoes make the outfit. I’m always trying to find different ways I can style my clothes because being in college means bawling on a budget so buying new clothes is not often. Coming to college, I feel free to wear what I want because it’s a different environment and nobody has the time to judge you on what you wear. I love complimenting people’s outfits on campus too, it makes my day when I can say something to someone who has a fire fit on.

So at the end of the day, wear what makes you feel the most confident and own it. No one should tell you what you can and can’t wear. Especially if you worked really hard to put it together. Don’t let other people define who you are.