We have all fallen victim to laziness. For some it is a common pastime; lying in bed, binge-watching your favorite show, and doing absolutely nothing productive is addicting. Once a person is already in the routine, or is currently lying in bed and binge-watching Netflix, it takes a lot of willpower to get up and go out. The idea of it can be daunting and overwhelming. Wouldn’t just be easier to stay in bed?

Well, it may be easier, but it will not be nearly as rewarding as slipping on some shoes and going outside. The world is a fascinating place and there is so much to see and experience. Instead of spending your weekends re-watching Friends for the fourth time, go out and travel! Make a list of places you want to see, and actually, try and do them.

I know what you are thinking, travel is expensive. It can be, but it also doesn’t have to make you broke. Upon hearing the word ‘travel’ many people think of going to a different country or taking a long road trip. While this is traveling, this is the type of travel that many college students can’t afford. But the good news is that you don’t have to buy a plane ticket to go out and experience things. You can go places in your own city and town. Go to festivals, museums, take a $10 bus to the next city or town over and explore there; you can go to a park in your area and do some hiking. If you do want to put out the money, take a small road trip and spend a weekend somewhere.

Many people don’t believe that this kind of ‘travel’ is as beneficial as experiencing an entirely different country. But it can be, and this kind of travel has the potential to be memorable. If you go with others you can strengthen your relationship with them and make a shared memory. Each little town has its own quirks and traditions. Seeing how other people live, no matter small the difference is from your own life, can be a really good way to open up your mind and gain a new perspective. There is a lot to be learned anywhere you go, which exercises your mind and expands your knowledge. The more you know about others, the more you can sympathize with and understand different types of people.

Many college students do have the opportunity to travel abroad. Most universities will offer trips and study abroad opportunities, so they are as affordable as a normal semester. If you have the opportunity to study abroad, take it. It does seem overwhelming and scary, like a drastic change. It is, but it is worth it. Once you are in that place, the fear is replaced by excitement and new experiences. There is a lot to see and do and learn, and you will want to take it in. Depending on where you travel to, it can be a lot cheaper to travel once in another country. I studied abroad in London and was able to take a 30-pound bus to Paris. I never would have been able to do that if I hadn’t gone abroad.

The world is so much larger than the things we experience in our everyday life. To better understand the world, or your country, or your state, it is important to go out and experience things that are different than what you encounter in your routine.

So, turn off Netflix, it will be waiting for you when you get back (I promise). Go find something to do that you can afford and that you think is interesting. Go to a museum or an aquarium, or a zoo, or a park. Even for things that seem a bit pricier, check places like Groupon or see if that place has discount deals. There are ways to live an exciting life on a budget, it’s just up to you to get out of bed and go.
