I am currently coming to the end of my freshman year of college. It might not sound scary to you but to me it opened my eyes to the fact I am going to be an adult soon. The future is unknown and that’s the scariest part of all. The unknown can be scary because you can try and make a plan to follow but anything can interrupt your plan. There will be bumps in the road that will throw you off course but you must always remember to get up and don’t stop. Keep going because the future is unknown but if you have a goal then go for it. Work for it and never stop moving forward. Take control of your future because you will be scared and stressed throughout the journey but it will be worth it. 

The majority of the young adults have no idea what to do and they begin to panic. This can cause them to stress out and possibly get depressed. Mental health issues are seen all throughout young adults who are scared of the future but even adults who have already made it past college are struggling with depression. Unfortunately it is something that might appear during the path of becoming an adult but always move forward with your goal. You will become great as long as you push through till the end when you finally accomplish the goal you set for yourself. 

So with adulthood slowly creeping up on my life and others around the world. I realized it is inevitable so make the best of the time you have now and prepare yourself the best you can for what is to come. Be scared, get nervous, go cry sometimes it’s ok because it is all okay. You aren’t alone whether you feel like it or not there are people growing up with you. Get ready to embark on the hardest parts of your life but enjoy it too. It will be worth it in the long run. 

To listen more about this topic click the link below to my podcast!!!! Featuring my good friend Kevin. 
