I don't like awards shows, so I do my own. Here are some of the current nominees...
Ryan travels to Pittsburgh to see Mac Miller's influence on the city.
Ryan forces his dad to review albums from his favorite artist.
Livia takes a nostalgic look back on her elementary school days through the games and music on her old iPod touch.
Her lyrics and her vision are precisely aimed, and while the crosshairs might be pointed at different subjects, her musical intent remains the same: fire at will.
A playlist containing all of our “middle” songs… whatever that means. Enjoy issue #65 of Loco Mag! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4hJ4RKwOYOz6wkxaNlFQgn?si=4cd508fd42bd43a1
Adventure Time Playlist
Loco Mag has compiled our favorite songs with the word 'good' in the title!
Dalton explores the latest album by the incredible Fiona Apple, Fetch the Bolt Cutters.
The Loco Mag staff promotes the songs they just can't stop listening to.