
Against the GrainLifestyleTech

Social Media: Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear?

We all have fears in life. Some people have arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders. Some people have agoraphobia, or the fear of open, crowded areas. I think what I have is a variant of anatidaephobia. That’s the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.
Against the GrainUncategorized

Against the Migraine

That sentimental motivation is thoughtful and all, but I mean, a strategy would be more effective, dontcha think? An inspirational quote can only do so much. It’s easier to say count your blessings, just breathe or, this soon too shall pass, live with no regrets than it is actually doing so. Actions, though: that’s what is going to change your mindset and have that worrywart headache out the door.
Against the GrainFoodHealthLifestyle

An Ice Cream Headache

Desserts are fun. People love to eat them, and chefs love to make them. But I’m going to go against the grain and tell you that they can wreak havoc on your physiology in ways your cuisinier is not telling you.

Gamer L33tism: Crymore N00b

With increased power often comes an increased sense of entitlement, arrogance, and intolerance for failure. Like a virus, it’s easy to let success infect you, and it’s contagious too. The name of this “sickness” is elitism ... For good-natured players like me, who only want to socialize and have a good time, it’s a real problem.

Tin (Wo)man Syndrome

Machiavelli may have answered this question when he made the executive decision that it’s better to be feared than loved by the people. With more women obtaining powerful positions in the workplace than ever before, the question still stands today: is it better to be feared than loved when in a leadership position?
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