It’s okay to reminisce on the past, just avoid reminiscing on ages that start with 1.
Should daily vices be prohibited? Objectively yes, but without them there’d be no smoking sections, and that I just couldn’t forgive
Student-athletes might be a lot of things, but regular is not one of them.
In a frat basement, you’ll never find a Smoking Section.
February 15th always comes, and the single people of the world rise once again, albeit from their twin-size beds.
My message to any celebrity is not to be too tough on yourself, you’ve got Father Time for that.
What can’t be taught can at least be bought, if only to be resold on Depop.
Freshly 21 and I already have notes.
After a brief step outside the Smoking Section, we're back with a new year and new smoke.
Apparently death does discriminate, but only against the uncool