Holiday season is upon us, which means millions of Americans will soon be leaving their homes for family visits and vacations. The warm feeling that comes from spending time with loved ones is almost tangible. I can almost smell the Thanksgiving feast now — roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, a perfectly carved turkey, and fresh pumpkin pie. But before we get to relish in the joy and laughter (and probably quarrels) of the holidays, many of us need to overcome one obstacle in particular: traveling.

Thanksgiving Day has some of the highest travel rates all year, which is not surprising as it is a day that encourages people to leave their homes and see their families. We sort of accept that there will be hundreds of people on the road, and we plan accordingly, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.

There are a lot of very bad drivers out there, and for some reason they all become extra neglectful this time of year. So this is my letter to all of the crappy drivers out there who will soon try to navigate very busy holiday traffic. 

To whom to driver who will potentially ruin the holiday,

Thanksgiving is near, and we will soon depart from our respective homes to enjoy the holiday with our families. I know you might be in a rush, but chances are, so are we. The casserole took too long to make, the cat knocked the cookies off the counter, and someone always takes forever getting ready, so we’re running late. However, there are some rules that we, as responsible drivers, must still follow as we travel to and from our destinations. I urge you to follow along.

  1. The speed limit still applies on holidays. If the sign says 45, don’t fly past me at 70mph and swerve through a line of cars to get ahead. It’s dangerous for everyone involved, and a dick thing to do.
  2. Turn signals are not a suggestion. If you are changing lanes, veering, or making a legal turn, the switch on the side of the steering wheel should be your best friend. You know you’re turning, but no one else does.
  3. Speaking of turning, slow down in advance. Try not to slam on your breaks at the very last second and swing a right. You might be able to whip your car, but I certainly cannot. Neither of us want any accidents.
  4. If you’re in the left lane, please keep up with the flow of traffic. I might be conscious of the speed limit, but that includes going 5 under in the passing lane. We all have somewhere to be. If you want to drive too slowly, move to the right.
  5. While we’re here, let’s talk about merging. If my ramp is ending, let me onto the damn highway. Speed up or slow down because I have nowhere else to go.
  6. It’s common courtesy to leave a reasonable amount of space between my back bumper and your front. It’s also a law, so… back off, please.
  7. No one should be using any electronic devices while behind the wheel. You want music? Have your passenger DJ. Important phone call? Bluetooth! Or just wait. 

I know it’s tough to follow the rules of the road sometimes, but just remember that we’re all in the same boat. Wait your turn, be respectful, and please don’t forget to turn your signal off. 


A responsible driver on Thanksgiving.


  • Allora

    Hi, I'm Allora Lee. I major in communications at Arcadia University, with a minor in International Studies. I love learning about art, music, and literature. Writing is a passion of mine, and I hope to continue projects like locomag in the future. Support local artists and businessmen!