You know water is good for you, but do you know why? Your body loses water every day from various essential functions such as breathing, skin evaporation, and releasing waste. Many healthcare professionals recommend you drink around eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Knowing the reasons why hydration is important may help you be more motivated to start listening to them. Here are some of the things water helps your body do:

  • Maintains the Balance of Bodily Fluids

Your body is 60% water, according to WebMD. Drinking enough water helps keep normal bodily fluids working properly, especially those for digestion, circulation, and nutrient absorption. Nutrients from fruits and vegetables (which are high in water content) take longer to absorb into the body, which can also help you feel full longer so you eat less (Zelman).

  • Keeps Muscles Energized Longer

Muscle fatigue can occur when you’re dehydrated. The cells shrivel because they have lost fluid, and your muscles get tired faster. When exercising, experts recommend you drink about 16 ounces of water 2 hours beforehand, and then drink water at regular intervals during exercise (Zelman).

  • Helps Skin Look Better

When your body isn’t hydrated enough, your skin can get dry, flaky and wrinkled because the cells are losing water (“The Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin”). Drinking enough water can help stave off wrinkles and keep your skin looking healthier. Additionally, water removes toxins from your body, so it can help clear up acne.

  • Helps Your Kidneys Remove Waste

Water and body fluids remove waste products from cells. Your kidneys remove toxins from the body in the form of urine. If you don’t drink enough water, your urine will be more yellow and smell worse because your kidneys are storing extra fluid for bodily functions (Zelman).

  • Maintains Normal Bowel Movements

Your colon takes water from your stool in order to maintain hydration levels in your body when you don’t have enough water (Zelman). This leads to constipation. On the other hand, water plus fiber keeps everything in your gastrointestinal tract flowing smoothly.

  • Protects Your Body

Water protects your joints by helping to lubricate and cushion them. It also helps your body maintain ideal moisture levels in sensitive areas such as the eyes and mouth, as well as the brain, blood, and bones (Laskey).

You must be especially careful when in warmer climates, exercising, or being at high altitudes, because fluid loss is more noticeable and requires more water intake. In addition to drinking water, most fruits and vegetables (like watermelons, cucumbers, and spinach) have water in them, which counts toward your total water intake for the day.

With these tips, you’ll be moving towards leading a healthier, happier life. Keeping yourself hydrated is a simple first step to helping you feel better.


Laskey, Jen. “The Health Benefits of Water.” Stroke Center – 16 Feb.

2015. Ziff Davis, LLC. 05 Mar. 2019 <


University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority. “The Benefits of Drinking Water for

Your Skin.” UW Health.


Zelman, Kathleen M. “Why Drink More Water? See 6 Health Benefits of Water.” WebMD,

