Loco Mag is seeking college-age writers, photographers, videographers, designers, and interviewers to contribute to our latest issue! For those who aren’t familiar with our work,  Loco is a lifestyle and culture magazine always on the hunt for new articles, photo spreads, and fresh takes on student perspectives. We are not strictly a news publication or a creative writing publication. We want to hear from you!  We want your stories in your voice and your words.

With this upcoming issue “Had it, Lost it” we’re exploring the feelings of losing something you never planned to. Have you ever gotten so close to getting everything you’ve ever wanted? Then did it slip away before you could firmly grasp it? This is a relatable feeling, and here at Loco Mag, we understand that feeling all too well. 

Between the lines of an edgy teenager and a hopeless young adult, a young person’s life is full of drama, change, and loss. Whether it’s a significant other, a family member, the loss of familiarity, or so on, experiencing loss is as human as you or me. 

We’re inviting contributors to take what they want from this issue, whether you lost something important, or just your favorite chapstick, we’re here to listen! 

Our sections include Travel, Lifestyle, AV Room (Audio/Photo/Video), Entertainment, Mood, and Features. Features typically run around 1,500 words. Have more than that? Cool! If not, no worries. We’re an electronic publication so space is unlimited. We’ll accept anything from a 250-word photo spread to a 500-word interview to an hour-long podcast to a 2-minute video. Be creative, and tell your truth.

Submit your work by Sunday, November 3rd at 11:59pm. You can submit by clicking the “submissions” tab right below the featured slider on the homepage.

Questions? Send them over to editor@locomag.com or DM us on Instagram @Locomag. To stay in the know for all things Loco Mag, be sure to follow our pages on Instagram and Twitter. We look forward to receiving your submissions!
