I would like to begin by stating that I do not completely blame the Final Destination franchise for any of my long term mental health issues! However, I will not absolve them of all the blame. Seeing everyday tasks or objects cause massive, painful catastrophes is bound to make people a little worried. Yes, this is the entire point of the franchise, but I was like five when I first saw them and five year olds don’t experience critical thought and don’t get to have opinions, so here we are!

I’m not often near trains and there are two reasons for that! My dad told me not to when I was like eight and this fucking scene. Trains are already a little scary! I do not like the idea of a hunk of metal flying really really fast with things hanging off of it, that is not nice!! And they can fucking BEHEAD YOU? Fuck that. Absolutely not.

Limbs freak me out so much I really do not like them at all. This one caused so much emotional turmoil for me for no good reason! I was highly disturbed by the limb flying and the mother’s reaction and just like holy fuck. I can’t decide if this was a better or worse introduction to the mortality of human beings than a dead family member – it did the trick but it was equally, if not even more, traumatizing.

I am claustrophobic. I do not like heat at all. I am so fucking pale. This scene definitely has something to do with all three of those things. My vitamin D deficiency is definitely not completely this movie’s fault, genetics and my childhood are for sure players in that specific game, but I would not say this scene is completely innocent.

This and the tanning bed are somehow the least likely for me personally, I love being pale and blind like one of those ratty little lap dogs that won’t die. However, this is terrifying and has made me appreciate how good I look with glasses and how much I love having the choice to not see!

I already had issues with going to the dentist, having someone poke around my mouth was not my cup of tea as a child. Paired with the threat of choking on a plastic fish while on laughy gas, I decided I valued my life over healthy teeth and so far me and my grown wisdom teeth have faithfully stuck to that decision.

This one got my little sister GOOD! She still, to this day, will go “what if this bridge just started collapsing?” every time we drive over a bridge. Personally, I, very silently and panickedly, construct a getaway plan that absolutely will not work with the basic laws of physics in the case that a bridge should collapse and I fall a lot of feet into the water below to make myself feel better!

The big one! Everyone knows her sooo well. I failed my driver’s test not once, not twice, but three times. Every single time, I had this massive clusterfuck of a car crash in my head. The logs, the fire, the collision – absolutely fucking not. You could not pay me to drive on a highway and I do not believe you should ever try. 
