Sports photography captures both the best and worst moments in sports. Athletes desire photos of themselves at their proudest moments: scoring goals or points, playing their sport(s), winning games and championships… But what is it like to see the opposite? Where are the photos that show that sports are not always going to have a favorable outcome, what about when they fail? My dilemma of being a student photographer who is friends with the athletes I photograph is walking the fine line of being a photographer that documents all moments of a match or game, while also respecting my friends and fellow students during their times of defeat. Sports photography has not largely been shot in black and white since the adaptation of color film. The lack of color in these photographs tells a different story and contrasts in different ways than if it were shot in color. The lack of color is used to emphasize different contrasts, as well as create an emotional understanding and connection with the athletes.
Some of these photos included in this essay are Morally Grey, and some of them are just black and white photos. Let your eyes take you where they want, and see sports in a different perspective.
All images taken by me, Joe Kraus. More can be found on Instagram, @photoxjoe.