Millennials are to be blamed for the slow demise of many time-honored traditions; golf, chain restaurants, marriage, babies, diamonds, breakfast cereal, fabric softener, movie theaters, cruises, doorbells, the 9 to 5 workday.... Yeah, okay Boomer.
Chris talks about social media and how it can detrimentally impact social situations
Jo drops some of the addictiveness of social media while revealing a few bad habits of her own.
Chris explores the history of cannibalism around the world.
A comprehensive and detailed list of things I'd rather be doing than sitting in class.
Sometimes people are sorry. But why? Click here to find out.
We live in a world dominated by little strange, unusual things. Every now and again, one thing appears in the universe that just needs to be returned to whatever void it came from. Here's Eight of them
Kylie talks about what to wear in the rain.
Katie explains the very real consequences of SAD and what it entails for the nice weather woes.
Have a bad teammate you're about to play video games with on your summer break? Don't fear, here are some helpful tips.