Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19) – You’ve been quiet for too long, Aries! Get into a fight
You've all seen "Women Laughing Alone With Salad," now it's time for "The Stock Phrase That Haunts Every Suburban Family." Hope you (live, laugh,) love it!
If you are passionate about something, why give it up? Read about a Loco pitch that just keeps hanging around.
Rosa walks you through the aftermath of a breakup.
I’ve lost count of all the things I wanted to be when I grew up. At one point,
Rosa tells you about the time she acted like a total Karen.
Barbara discusses prophetic dreams
Come to find out why the cold of winter will always be superior to the heat of the summer. Stay for the cold weather, and hot chocolate.
Rosa questions why ice cream shops close during the winter.
Kate reflects on a recent family tragedy and what it means to grieve.